Sunday, November 25, 2012


Today is the last day of having their black friday sale! (They extended it to today) 25% off of everything pony! Use the code BLACKPONY at purchase! and don't be scared if it says shipping is 40 dollars because before you check out you can select free shipping (which takes 5-8 days) but it's worth it! I personally bought these three shirts.
Which also came with the season 1 poster!

You get a choice but these were mine, it also came with a hello kitty sticker (for a friend) and a Vinyl Scratch button! 
I got all this for around $55 including tax I believe, and if you pay over $75 you get a unicorn horn as well (used for cosplay if you want, or decoration) and if you spend over $100 you are a waffle lord and get to choose between a Fluttershy, Derpy, Luna, key chain. Or a Rainbow Dash Cutie Mark key chain. I hope some people see this in time! and remember to come back for other great news!

Nasty Monsters Around

Vinyl Scratch has released a new song! and personally I love it! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Babs Seed

The newest Apple family member has been shown! At first she was so adorable, but then she turned mean!

(And the new song of this episode! )

 But then adorable again!

 This pic I can't even...

And this one made my day

With all that I hope you bronies loves the new episode and the new Cutie Mark Crusader!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chasing Rainbows

Return of the King

I thought it was pretty good! This relates to me now because I am returning, I was previously busy with personal stuff, but I will return now! For the wait, here are some Lord of the Rings ponies.

 Also this because I'm sorry for not being here

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fan Fic Time

And it's me, the original OP, back to show you a good time, and make this all rhyme, back to give you a some links to fan fics, if you feel like reading 'em for man kicks.

Nah I really don't know what I'm doing. Anyway, I've been gone for a while and I highly appreciate the work my co-admin has done, but I read more fan fiction than him so I suppose I should link some over while I have the chance. (Although he surprised me by linking a few, mostly shippings which is cool because  I don't read those much.)

Fever Dreams by The Descendant - This is a compendium of The Descendants shorter stories, mostly those inspired by 30 Minute Pony Prompts, not a stand alone story. My favorites are "Apples to Apples" and "Hello," but explore his work as much as you feel inclined, you won't be disappointed. 

Of Steam, Gears, and Wings by RavensDagger - This adventure novel makes use of Prince Blueblood as an evil tyrant sovereign, airships as the chief means of transport, and the CMC as main characters. What else need be said? Also, as of now the main story is finished, though there may be more epilogues.

Make a Wish by CoolStoryBrony - Well written Scootaloo-Dash fictionDefinitely worth a read if you like sad/slice of life stories that are driven my character interaction.

Stormy Nights by Void Chicken - The first in a criminally under-appreciated  trilogy, Stormy Nights is, by a landslide, one of my favorite FiM fictions: on the list with My Little Dashie and Fallout: Equestria. Don't expect anything adventurous or epic though, this is just a slice of life with some good writing and wonderful character development. 

Naked Singularity by Cold in Gardez - Really well written, keeps the flow going and the suspense building. Must read.

I hope you enjoy your reading. ~Quill

Saturday, November 10, 2012


first of all CAN SOMEBODY SAY BEST EPISODE EVER?!?! 3 songs, 2 were kind of one big one at different parts.

Crystal Ponies

My little pony season 3 premiere crystal pony pictures! (sorry for quality)



Thanks for sticking by me

What do I even mean? lol
I was one picture short.


This is the final part! finally! Videos

Epic Wub Time: Musicians of Ponyville

When the Ponies Cry

Batman Hates Bronies

When I'm Changing

My Little Pony - Reference Compilation

Fluttershy Loses Her Innocence

My Little Pony with Censor Bleeps!

And with that, I FINISH THIS POST


Music part...

Return - Omnipony

Wall-eyed Postwoman - ChainAlgorithm0

I Know Humans Exist - Neighsayer

Octavia - Pallado

Bad Apple - Discord Whooves

The Gypsy Bard - Friendship is Witchcraft

Wildfire Rock - Mandopony


This will be 7 parts at least.... Wallpaper Part EPIC