Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Little Piano

I would like to share this man, Dr. Sentenial, who makes wonderful videos and tutorials for the songs he plays. From the opening to Love Is In Bloom, it sounds so amazing! He even has Twilight's fighting is magic theme. 
Here is a medley of season 1.


My Friend Ricky, once again, has made another amazing picture. This one has my two best friends and I with our favorite ponies.
 Coincidence? I think not.
I haven't posted in a while, and this was due to school, i had two big projects but now that they are over, I will be posting more!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


My friend Ricky is AN AMAZING BOSS. He made this picture of me and one of me and him. I just had to share this.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Princess Celestia

I am kind of embarrassed it took me till now to realize you all know who these people are already... No details on Princess Celestia. You guys probably just want pictures, songs, and videos. :P

My co-admin already showed the Princess Celestia Extended Battle Theme. Find that on his post on the side. One of the ones in music, sorry for inconvenience. Here is Not A Clever Pony's album "Princess Celestia is best pony" Princess Celestia is best pony just click buy now and enter $0.00 and wala! 

Princess Celestia rules all, nuff said.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pinkie Pie

Pinkamina Dianne Pie. The funniest most joyful pony. Also our new-to-being-a-brony friends favorite pony.  Everyone loves Pinkie, and everyone is friends with her. She loves to make people laugh.

Pinkie Pie teaches me to try to make other people happy. This week is spirit week in school and I dressed up all funny and people laughed. It made me happy, because I just wanna see you smile, smile, smile, yes i do
"Hey! That's what I said!"

I also pinkiefied my google chrome browser, if you want to know how, ask, or wait until I put on my tutorial later. Also wait for the start menu icon if you want that as well.

I made a lot of new friends today, Pinkie Pie style!

Sorry I haven't been posting as regular as I would like, I have so much homework and there was a religious holiday.

Friday, September 21, 2012


FLUTTERSHY, F-L-U-T-T-E-R-S-H-Y, ANGJHKABFKCJAHBFHJADFAELUIHW I love her. Fluttershy is the most kind, most adorable, most polite, modest, caring, loving, passionate, wonderful pony in all of Equestria THE WHOLE WORLD. She loves animals, which is also her special talent.  I loved the tale of her cutie mark, she looked like such a cute young filly back then! She has taught me to be more nice to people. Watch out though because she is also THE STARE MASTER! 
Long Photo Comp ahead.


 Such a cute little filly <3
 Her and Angel Bunny <3

 The Stare Master


What haters of the show are like when they see Fluttershy.

Now these are my favorite songs about her.

Avast Fluttershy's Ass

Still Shy VIP by ArtAttack

Flutter Wonder by PinkiePieSwear

Clouds by Omnipony

My favorite quotes of hers are as follows, with video.
"Oh Fluttershy, you're such a loudmouth..." 

"I'd like to be a tree."

"I'm so frustrated I could just scream!/I could just kick something!"

"I'm the world champ you know, I bet you can't beat me!...Squee"

And finally my favorite and possibly most famous quote...


Another video I just have to share... don't take this offensively, it's made by a brony who loves the show. 

With all this said, SHE IS AMAZING AND I LOVE HER. 

Epic Brony Music

That's right, bronies, here we have the Equestrian Anthem! Now go memorize it.

Makkon's rendition of "No Strings Attached."

And now "I Will Fight by Your Side" by Bagpipe Brony. And it's about LittlePip and friends.

This is my second time posting this song, but if the song above is about LittlePip's campaign to save all of ponykind than this is about the great war itself.

And Aspect of the storm's finest work: "Scratching Harmony."

And lastly NotACleverPony's "For the New Lunar Republic."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fallout: Equestria

You have probably heard of this story, it is the outstanding literary achievement of our fandom, it is a story that is amazing beyond words. At least beyond my words, considering that it did have to be written.

This is the tale of LittlePip and her friends (how angry she'd be at me for using that title) as they journey across the Equestrian wasteland on a quest to mend the broken country and prove that there is still good in ponies. It tells of her struggles, her shortcomings and failures, of her will to save ponies even at the cost of herself, of battles won only at a great price and those who gave their lives in the fight, of the mistakes that were made when 6 friends were separated long ago, and of hope that things can still be the way they once were. It tells of LittlePip's final sacrifice and her leap of faith for all ponykind. 

I had never read a fan fiction that brought me to care as much for original characters as I do for the canon characters from MLP FiM, until I opened the pages of Fallout: Equestria. LittlePip, Calamity, Velvet Remedy, SteelHooves, and so many more, are friends that I will keep close to my heart for the rest of my life. 

And yes, it is 1500 pages. It took me three weeks to read, and it was worth every second.


If I'm going to tell you about the adventure of my life, explain how I got to this place with these people, and why I did what I'm going to do next, I should probably start by explaining a little bit about PipBucks. 

Read Fallout: Equestria by Kkat


Rarity, the most fabulous, generous, stylish, beautiful pony ever. 

When I first started watching the show, I did have a list for my favorites in the mane 6, and she was at the bottom.  Now, I do NOT have a list, because I love them all equally (COUGH COUGH Fluttershyisbestpony  COUGH COUGH) and my love for her has grown.  I love her songs "Art of the Dress" and "Becoming Popular". The Beatle Bronies do a great rendition of the song "Yesterday" and changed it to "Rarity".

Rarity always puts me in a good mood, as do the others.

"I suppose I would have to move away to go into exile..."

Have a wonderful day, and if you were wondering, I did 2 today because I couldn't do one yesterday since I was at my friends house.

Rainbow Dash

RAINBOW DASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! My co-admin's favorite pony.

Rainbow Dash is the coolest pony in all of Equestria without a doubt. She makes everything about 20% cooler, just by being there. If it wasn't for her, none of the other mane 6 would have gotten there cutie marks when they did.

I love this song so much, and it really explains how me and my friend (who is the one that my co-admin mentioned in a previous post) feel at all times.

Here, have 2 epic wallpapers.

With all this, I hope you guys have a cool weekend. I also decided I wont post every pony that appears, just the ones that OBVIOUSLY I have to!

Here, is without a doubt, one of the coolest pictures I've seen.

Signing off ~Flint

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Adorable AJ


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sweet Apple Acres Family

I decided to put Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith in one post since I realized how many posts I will be doing. Hope you enjoy!

Apple Bloom: Apple Bloom is the smallest cutest little pony in my opinion, followed by the other CMC and some others. Speaking of the CMC, she is the first one to be shown :P I love how her bow is bigger than her little old head.

Without a doubt the CUTEST Apple Bloom picture I've seen.

Next up is Big Mac/Big Macintosh/Apple Bloom's and Applejack's big brother/A boss
Now that pretty much says my opinion on him, he is one of the coolest stallions, if not the coolest.  Just sitting there every day chewing on his straw... which ISN'T IN THE PICTURE! What's going on...

Let me try again... AWW HORSE APPLES... still an Epic picture.
Here this one will do... finally worked, well, what are you gonna do?

Granny Smith: pretty much the founder of Ponyville.

Here she is when she was a young mare.

Well that's it for today, signing off. ~Flint

On The Horizon

I cannot describe how much this picture means to me. Best viewed while listening to "Into the West" from the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King soundtrack. 

Gates of heaven, anybody?

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Apple Family (not mane 4)

 I decided to put that whole list as one post, instead of several...

Apple Fritter 

She is probably one of my favorite in the Apple family. She is completely similar to Violet Fritter except her mane color.

Apple Bumpkin 
Red Gala
Red Delicious

Golden Delicious

Caramel Apple
Not to be confused with Caramel, the stallion who has three horseshoes as his cutie mark.

Apple Strudel

One of the only old stallions that I have seen.

Apple Tartlet/Tarty
Since her cutie mark is cut off, if you were wondering, it is 3 green cupcakes.

Apple Brioche, Baked Apples, and Apple Cinnamon Crisp.... Sorry but I honestly don't know what they looks like, it's up for debate, whichever pony you want it to be named, might as well.

I'll do Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom each in separate posts.